How i got 3rd Place in TiTi Championship
First of all, Thanks to TiTi team to held TiTi Testnet competition and i won 3rd Place. I like to participate in Testnet and this is my first time to attempt to take competition seriously.
Part 1: Beginning
Day 1:
At first hour i already made a mistake because i went to Uniswap quickly to swap my TiUSD to TiTi, then i realized there was no liquidity so i had to make it by myself and swap again TiUSD to mUSDC to farm MMF.
After a couple minutes, claim ALL TiTi and then swap half to make LP. Put LP into LP Mining and repeat until TiTi price Skyrocketed to $1000 each. That moment i redeem my unclaimed TiTi and unstaked my LP to sold my TiTi in higher price
Day 2:
TiTi price dropped to $600 and i immediately add liquidity as soon as possible and put it into LP Mining.
Every hour, I claimed TiTi, and then swap into TiUSD to make liquidity, and LP Mining. Repeat the process and keep thinking “I shouldn’t be able to get Top 6”.
Part 2: Rising Hope …and the cause
Some of Indonesia people #🇮🇩-indonesia noticed something, yes..
TiTi price increasing gradually and some of them keep writing in chat current price which is called FLASHPUMP. Because i was curious, i withdraw my LP Mining, remove it and buy TiTi and hope the price keep increased. My instinct was right, it keep increased until the moment and suddenly price dropped so hard i couldn’t sell it. So i keep spamming swap button and finally sold all my TiTi with higher price. After that the price keep lower and lower until stable, at that moment i bought some TiTi to make again LP for LP Mining. Also tried Use-To-Earn to earned more TiTi, swapped back-and-forth until i loss hundred thousands of TiUSD and gained around 4k TiTi/Days in distributed rewards. Because of that i could potentially gain my rank to the top 6 confidently
A day later, FLASHPUMP was coming again and that’s my moment to take profit again. It keep happening almost everyday until it stopped.
I claimed LP Mining every 12 hours and make another LP to put in into LP Mining again to maximized my profit. Also didn’t forget to use use-to-earn feature.
It wasn’t easy job to always observed the current TiTi Price, so some fellow Indonesia including myself observe together so we can participate together and also share profits.
Why was the price skyroceting and dumping in the first place?
I investigated TiTi /TiUSD holders in etherscan and found 0xe2027b05d620c0109e2d8e751a10a2aada3e490a have a lot tokens, and if you search in discord. You can find the owner TiTi Chinese MOD
More investigated about that address, i found something interesting
The owner send some ether to his dummy wallet and all of them used to make price pump and dump. When price already high, the owner take profit following by his dummy wallet. When price too low, he bought TiTi from his profit. If he wanted to FLASHPUMP, his dummy wallet bought TiTi to make the price increased.
Part 3: Dash-Days
Last week before testnet end, i gradually sold my liquidity little-by-little to make use use-to-earn feature and i can reached max 11k TiTi/Days both Swap AMM and Buy TiTi in Uniswap everyday.
Two days before the end, i sold all my remaining liquidity to TiTi, staked it and i called it done. Even after claimed my distributed rewards i was still at 3rd place because the amount TiTi Top 2 stake way beyond my comprehensive.
At the end i was satisfied with my result in 3rd place which wasn’t expected. I should’ve been in Top 100 if syskey didn’t activate his bot. I can’t compete with syskey bot which make his address both in Top 2 used “questionable method” which make every swap profitable
MAIN1 & MAIN2 were his account in leaderboard
SUB was also his account that made instant pump-dump price and how this address gain a lot TiTi & TiUSD from transfered Liquidity via web3 contract
Bot always win, in any regard, any situation, that make humanity fall behind… except bot easy in game
Shoutout to Airdrop Sultan Indonesia because i know about this competition from that group and fellow Indonesian who keep #🇮🇩-indonesia active.
Peace 🕊